I have recently decided to eliminate diary products such as
milk, yogurt, cheese and butter, from my daily meals. The main reason behind
this decision was the food allergies. This not a painful decision even it
affect my usual purchase and eating habit as there are many nondairy
substitutes available at the market.
Reason Behind My Decision
In this article, I am sharing why do I removed diary
products from my daily diet. It is true that dairy is perfect food, but it is
fit for animals only. Based on my experience and results of survey conducted by
research persons in prominent university, I typically believe diary products
are not fit for human.
One of the most important points that I consumed from these
result is that, milk is formed from blood. Blood on combining with certain
enzymes and metabolic activities generates milk. As you all know disease may
spread through blood. So drinking milk may be one reason to cause diseases.
Secondly food materials containing milk, yogurt and cheese
are rich in carbohydrates and calories. Excessive amount of carbohydrates and
calories may leads to obesity. It is very difficult to reduce fat, even you
excise regularly if your takes diary products. Along with excising you should
avoid dairy products to get better result.
Third and very interesting thing that should be noted is
that, your stomach has large volume of acid. When milk mixed with these acids
results in producing bases. These bases are harmful. If the volume of base
generated is high, it may result in serious stomach pain and effects digestion
cycle (known as lactose intolerance).
Researches also show that if higher the milk intake, then
higher the rate of getting cancer in future. More over most people believes
that, drinking milk will help to strengthen bones. In fact, lowest the rates of
dairy lowers rates of osteoporosis (a progressive bone disease). So drinking
more milk never reduces fractures or bone problems.
Diet Without Diary Product
As I already mention, switching to non diary diet is not a
tough job. There are varieties of diary replacements available at market. You
can use Coconut milk, from almond, soy and rice instead of milk. Similarly,
replace yogurts with vanilla & fruit flavors. You can also replace cheese
with Tofu and vegan cheeses. Sometimes you stop using diary products to cooking
at home. But packed food products that you consume may use diary products. So
please read labels of packed food products.